Monday, December 22, 2008

Just had to share

We had to stop cleaning house when Cocoa decided to come out and pose for photos.

Cocoa is not available for adoption.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Biff (formerly Buffy)

Biff is such a good looking cat! He's one of those "I hope no one adopts him" kinds of cats. His face is beautiful, and his fur feels like velvet.

We've been working on Biff, helping him overcome his attitude. He's not a cuddle kitty at all. But there was a time when you couldn't hold him at all. Now Bill will rub around my ankles and talk to me or purr loudly, or jump up on the chair and wait for me to pick him up. He's still not a squeeze-n-snuggle kind of guy, and he only tolerates being held for a short time, but he now purrs when I hold him. He's made great improvements.

Biff was neutered and vaccinated around Thanksgiving. I imagine that has something to do with him becoming more mellow. I've seen this happen in other male cats who were not particularly friendly. Most recently, out black kitty, Bear, was much like Biff. Bear is now a big baby and loves to be carried around and loved.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Buffy & Polly Pocket

Polly Pocket was adopted last weekend! Do I ever miss that kitty! She would have to earn the Miss Congeniality award of all the cats. I don't know that I've ever met a cat who was more sweet or loving than Polly.

Buffy is such a gorgeous young man. He's not a snuggle bunny, though, which is unfortunate. He's really soft and plush. We're working on him, though. Hubby calls Buffy his "project." We're all giving Buff more attention to try to help him become more social.

Buffy isn't a wild cat by any means. He just doesn't want to be held nor cuddled. He has moments where he'll rub around my ankles which means "Pick me up for 15 seconds, then let me go!"

We had the litter of youngest kittens altered and vaccinated last week. I'm so thankful our regular vet gives us a discount. Even so, it still ran $400 to fix five kittens.

Yes, I know Spay Tulsa does it for less, but they don't vaccinate for feline leukemia. If I have any after-surgery problems with the kitties, I know my vet is going to be available to help.